Thursday, October 17, 2024

Group of 4 10/21

 I hope each of you is having a great week!  Our next time together is October 21, 7:45 am at Roger's. 

Unless someone has a better idea, what if we discuss Dallas Willard’s VIM model in respect to our personal identity.  1) how do you see your identity (vision of yourself) changing in the past few months?  2) As you reflect on your spiritual formation the past few weeks, how is the view of yourself changing?  3) What factors are motivating you to be transformed?  4) How do you WANT to be transformed emotionally, in your mindset, in your behavior? 5) Are you becoming someone you  didn’t expect?  6) What are the methods / practices / disciplines that are helping transform your identity?  

1 John 3:1-3

[1] See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. [2] Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. [3] And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure.


1.  I’m a child - who cannot control outcomes. God is moving in unseen ways that do not understand. My role is to trust my Father. 

2.  I’m in the world but not of the world. I’m of the kingdom, asking that the kingdom come into me as in heaven. 

Loneliness / Solitude

 “But loneliness or clatter are not our only alternatives. We can cultivate an inner solitude and silence that sets us free from loneliness and fear. Loneliness is inner emptiness. Solitude is inner fulfillment.”

Excerpt From

Celebration of Discipline, Special Anniversary Edition

Richard J. Foster

I remember when I was growing up feeling alone, yet my Father was with me. When Fonnie drowned in a stick tank, the trauma was terrible yet I knew He was with me. My identity is found in being a child of my Father, over riding my earthly family. My identity has been distracted by family responsibilities, career, and the need to provide an income. But retirement is bringing back TJ the root of being Hks beloved child. Despite the cynicism of today, the argumentative angry atmosphere, I wanf go be intentional about my Father’s business. Living Him completely, loving others, and discipling those He intersects into my path. 

Jonah 4

 Knowingly avoiding God’s direct message to surrender to Him leads to an empty void that can only be filled by a repentant heart. I’ve not followed through on what I said I’d do, and each time leads me to a loneliness. I want to be prompt in my response to His nudge, not waiting till a more convenient time. I have often prayed that I would know God’s will for my life, but missed opportunities to pray , to listen, or be generous. ‘Someday’ is not a day of the week. I want to be awake to what He is doing. 

“The Christian living in disobedience also lives devoid of joy and hope. But when he begins to understand that Christ has delivered him from the reign of sin, when he begins to see that he is united to Him who has all power and authority and that it is possible to walk in obedience, he begins to have hope, and as he hopes in Christ, he begins to have joy. In the strength of this joy, he begins to overcome the sins that have so easily entangle him. He then finds that the joy of a holy walk is infinitely more satisfying than the fleeting pleasures of sin. But to experience this joy, we must make some choices. We must choose to forsake sin, not only because it is defeating to us but because it grieves the heart of God.” - Jerry Bridges, The Pursuit of Holiness

Bible 291

 I want to do better at praying. I used to think I’d have to sacrifice a great deal in the day’s agenda to pray more. I was confused about how to integrate prayer in my schedule. But I seemed to get in the habit of praying very short prayers while at school. In the rush of a day, with two minute or less conversations with students, it seemed appropriate to pray before I talked to a student or adult and mungo task by praying g during the conversation. 

I recently listened to a podcast that encourages us to use short prayers as a way to worship God, thanking Him for His provision, protection, and for loving us. Worshipping Him outdoors or while driving creates a rhythm and a mindset of conversation. Paul and Jeremiah were consistent in their message and behavior. They did not waiver, despite the culture or persecution. May we converse with God anywhere, anytime. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Jonah 3

 Was Jonah’s view of God too small?  Was Jonah’s view of himself too large?  I am so guilty of minimizing who God is in the here and now moments of my life. God is able to do the miraculous and spectacular, but I’m probably not ready for that display of His power. He has already demonstrated who He is throughout history and in my own specific circumstances. How could the Creator of the universe be intensely interested in the details of our lives?  Scripture teaches that He definitely is but wants us to trust Him no matter what. 

“In the arena of adversity, the Scriptures teach us three essential truths about God—truths we must believe if we are to trust Him in adversity. They are: 

• God is completely sovereign.

• God is infinite in wisdom. 

• God is perfect in love. 

Someone has expressed these three truths as they relate to us in this way: “God in His love always wills what is best for us. In His wisdom He always knows what is best, and in His sovereignty He has the power to bring it about.” - Jerry Bridges, Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts

Bible 290

 The more we read and study the Scriptures, the more we (or at least for me) I am compelled to reflect on why I do the things I do. God’s love for each person is intense, drawing us to Himself. I feel compelled to self examine my motives and avoid the cultural trend to be an average church goer. I do not know what that means or will mean, but I don’t want to keep on comparing myself to others. Paul’s words hit me - 

 “Now the goal of our instruction is love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. Some have departed from these and turned aside to fruitless discussion.”

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ 

Paul had no hidden agenda in his approach with people. I want to be that type of guy whose character is being changed. I do not want to have any regrets by developing a pure heart and a good conscience, changing fruitless conversations into worthwhile and meaningful discussions. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Personal Heroes

 Martin Simiyu, founder of Possibilities Africa is a hero to look up to. Growing up in Kenya, among ten children, he knew what liberty was like. His mother values education and he learned mathematics by drawing math formulas and problems with a stick in the dirt. With no pencils and paper, the classroom was an outdoor seminar for creativity and innovation. Understanding who Christ was and is, Martin was compelled to complete a college education at Chicago’s Moody Bible Institute. Arriving at the admissions office without the proper paper work or financial aid application, he told the staff that God wanted him to enroll at MBI. After a completing a bachelors degree at Moody and a masters degree at Biola, Martin returned to Kenya with a vision of spreading the gospel, helping individuals, families and communities be completely transformed. His innovation includes small business loans to create entrepreneur opportunities, train pastors to plant churches and provide adequate health care and education to children. Martin’s common sense approach to whole life transformation is based on surrender to Jesus Christ. 

I want to share more heroes on my list. Please check out , an organization that is working hard to fulfill the Great Commission by providing business training to begin small entrepreneurial opportunities among the least reached / unreached people groups in the world. These kingdom businesses accelerate disciple makers in each location. I hesitate to identify the names of these leaders because they often travel to high risk areas. You can join the prayer team and receive monthly updates. Activate Global shares updates on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. The Activate Team demonstrates the heart of what Richard Foster and Dallas Willard teach, inspiring me to seek the kingdom, and humbly reflect upon my desire to be an apprentice of Jesus. 

Group of 4 10/21

 I hope each of you is having a great week!  Our next time together is October 21, 7:45 am at Roger's.  Unless someone has a better idea...