Monday, February 28, 2022

Delayed Obedience 02

 Delayed Obedience Is Disobedience Is a sobering headline. I hope that is not the caption for my life but I wonder if it isn’t if I’m honest. I’ve had moments when I’ve felt His prompting to do something and I followed through. But how many times have I been blind or too deaf to His call that I was unaware or indifferent? I want to do better and be more skilled at following through!

A quote worth considering: “When you are exhausted, discouraged, overwhelmed, and barely holding on to hope, it’s tempting to work yourself into thinking that things are not as bad as they seem or that you’re better off than you actually are. But because denial doesn’t deal with reality but avoids reality, it never goes anywhere good. It will never give you what you need or help you be what you need to be when the unthinkable enters your door. But because Jesus walked in your shoes and faced what you now face, you’ve been forever liberated from the trap of denial. You’re free to be weak and to cry out in weakness and free from ever having to put on a spiritual act.” - Paul David Tripp, Suffering: Gospel Hope When Life Doesn't Make Sense

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Psalm 2

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