Monday, February 7, 2022

Loving Others 10


What is causing so much division and lack of love in our culture?  Why do church members get caught up in rabbit trails of discussion?  We could discuss and argue so many different angles on a lot of topics.  When I was in college, I read a short little book by Dr. Francis Schafer based on John 13:34-35.  His words stuck - “the world has a right to judge whether we are Christians by the love we demonstrate.”  No doubt, the world’s largest philanthropies and humanitarian efforts have begun by Christ followers.  More good has been accomplished by Christians working together than apart.  I need to keep my own opinions in check as I work with fellow believers, encouraging others to keep the main thing the main thing.  Two quotes related to today’s reading:

“It takes humility and grace to love others, but it also takes humility and grace to allow others to love us. The beautiful thing about a submissive spirit is that it can both give and receive to the glory of God.” - Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Transformed (John 13-21): Christ's Triumph Means Your Transformation

 “Our lack of praise may actually be the biggest cause of our divisions. Once we stop worshipping, all hope for unity is lost. This is what unites us: we can’t stop talking about the treasure we have in Jesus. It’s hard to start an argument with someone who is on her knees shouting praises to Jesus, especially when you’re busy blessing the Lord as well. Many of our problems could be reconciled if we discussed our concerns on our knees before a Holy God. We can’t allow the Enemy or our enemies to interrupt our praise. Worship is our path to unity.
Francis Chan, Until Unity

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