Monday, February 28, 2022

The Spirit’s Work - Scot McNight

 “We don’t grow in holiness accidentally or simply because we want to. We grow if we have a vision to be more holy, if we are open to the grace of God’s Spirit being unleashed in our innermost being, and if we surrender to the Spirit’s work in our hearts.” Excerpt, Open to the Spirit by Scot McKnight

Every Man’s Devo - Before his departure, Jesus pulled His men in tight to tell them His message – it is the same for us. Blending in with the world is not the mark of a follower of Christ. All of God’s men truly know that at the deepest part of their heart. We are definitely in a battle. Why are these battle tools specifically mentioned in His Word: the helmet, the breastplate, the sword, the shield, the belt, and the sandals? Before we get the idea that this Christian Life is just blessings and comfort as the world delivers, it’s not! It’s the peace that passes all understanding that only the Lord can offer as we honor truth as it is.

“There are four wings to the evangelical movement in the United States: the Reformed, the Anabaptist, the Restorationist, and the Holiness.4 In the Reformed wing, there is an emphasis on theology, preaching, and social engagement at the level of culture. The Anabaptists emphasize local church, discipleship, justice, and peace. The Restorationists stress the courage to return to the Bible and start all over again. And the Holiness tradition brings an emphasis on surrender, turning from worldliness, and deepening one’s personal spiritual life.”

“Here’s another way to say it: anything that is not loving—of God and of others and of self and of all God’s creation—is unholy. But every act of loving God, others, self, or creation is holiness. Love is not an alternative to holiness. Holiness becomes visible when we love God, others, self, and creation.

“Let’s begin with the big-picture in view: we are designed by God to live by faith in Christ, and that faith generates in us a love for God, self, and others. When we have that faith-love dynamic, we are set free. To have faith means to be open to turn ourselves toward God, to gaze upon the face of Christ, and to surrender to God’s gift of the Spirit.”

Prayer by John RW Stott: “Heavenly Father, I pray that this day I may live in your presence and please you more and more.

Lord Jesus, I pray that this day I may take up my cross and follow you.

Holy Spirit, I pray that this day you will fill me with yourself and cause your fruit to ripen in my life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control”

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