Friday, March 18, 2022

Being An Idol Fighter

 “God declines to sit atop an organizational flowchart. He is the organization. He is not interested in being president of the board. He is the board. And life doesn’t work until everyone else sitting around the table in the boardroom of your heart is fired. He is God, and there are no other applicants for that position. There are no partial gods, no honorary gods, no interim gods, no assistants to the regional gods. God is saying this not because he is insecure but because it’s the way of truth in this universe, which is his creation. Only one God owns and operates it. Only one God designed it, and only one God knows how it works. He is the only God who can help us, direct us, satisfy us, save us.” - Kyle Idleman, Gods at War: Defeating the Idols that Battle for Your Heart

"If we assume this life is all there is we're likely to waste it. If we know we'll be accountable one day we'll wisely invest it." - Rick Warren

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