Friday, June 10, 2022

Plotting the Right Course 6/13

 There is so much wisdom in today’a comments. God loves you and me far more than we can grasp and we are made for a purpose, on purpose. Asking God to give us a deep abiding love for His Word is a bold move in the right direction, totally trusting God for the future. These insights transform our identities away from any cultural goal or delusions of our own kingdom building. We become all about Him because He is all about building His kingdom now and for the future. 

“His grace must be in the heart before His praise can be on the lips.” - Warren Wiersbe

It’s his grace that keeps you in the faith, not your faith that keeps you in his grace. That’s spectacular news.” - Matthew Smethurst

“Jesus loves us more than we know, understand, and believe. The devil hates us and wants us to be preoccupied with people, not Jesus. We have a Jesus-shaped hunger/hole/vacuum in us NO human can satisfy. Let's choose Jesus’ love over the devil’s hate.” - David Cassidy

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