Sunday, July 31, 2022

Bottom Line Love 8/10

 These two verses came to mind in 1975 when my Dad was killed in a car accident. The pain and grief of all the details surrounding the accident were horrendous, but I sensed God’s love and care. It was a compelling urge to read these verses aloud with my family as we sat in overwhelming grief. Life would go on because His love is sustaining, despite the circumstances we are in.  I’ve had similar experiences when I I knew that His love would carry us through. Our world is broken but God deeply cares far more than we realize. Despite the chaos of the past two or three years in our world, I hope many realize what is the most stabilizing force, God’s love. 

“Deeply formed mission is first about who we are becoming before what we are doing. Our most effective strategy in reaching a world for Christ is grounded in the kind of people we are being formed into. The quality of our presence is our mission.” - Rich Villodas, The Deeply Formed Life

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Psalm 2

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