Saturday, September 24, 2022

Eternal realities (3) 9/30

 Today’s reading is so important and I’m thrilled to no end that you have chosen to follow Christ. The path we are following can be lonely at times but God Himself provides the strength and wisdom one step at a time. Some criticize that a person can be so heavenly minded that you are of no earthly good. But the opposite can be true, you can be so earthly minded that you will be of no heavenly good. Our short life here is nothing compared to being together with Christ for all eternity. Sometimes I think we reduce these truths down to a fairy tale story in a children’s book, rather than this truth redefining everything we do. 

“The most tragic strain in human existence lies in the fact that the pleasure which we find in the things of this life, however good that pleasure may be in itself, is always taken away from us. The things for which men strive hardly ever turn out to be as satisfying as they expected, and in the rare cases in which they do, sooner or later they are snatched away.... For the Christians, all those partial, broken and fleeting perfections which he glimpses in the world around him, which wither in his grasp and he snatches away from him even while the wither, are found again, perfect, complete and lasting in the absolute beauty of God.” - Randy Alcorn, Heaven

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