Friday, October 21, 2022

Behold 11/2

 Our new life in Christ creates a fellowship with others who have experienced the new birth. This relationship is far different than friendships outside the church. Our fellowship can become stale and murky without the fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit into our lives. Without His leading and promptings, our fellowship can be edgy and negative. Our differences become more important than our sameness. Let’s pray that we might be all in with the Spirit and not into ourselves. 

“We must beware the temptation to forget the reason for our unity. No one is immune from turning elements of their identity into barriers—barriers of status, of color, of class, of personality type, or personal preferences. As Christians, we must be prepared to acknowledge how easy it is to get this wrong. We must be prepared, if we find ourselves guilty of such wrong, to repent from and grieve over that which displeases God.” - Allistair Begg

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