Saturday, October 8, 2022

Fear is a liar 10/14

 Our culture is filled with voices that scream the opposite of “you are loved.”  We are urged to compare ourselves to standards we cannot reach, and we are judged by our possessions, power, or prestige. Being loved has strings attached, conditions to be met. But His live is unconditional, offered with grace, dignity and mercy. There is no fear in His love. 

“For honest Christians (Can there be another kind?), becoming like Jesus Christ—or what Scripture calls sanctification—can feel more like setback than it feels like progress.

No matter how much better we become over time, no matter how much more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled we are this year compared to last year (Galatians 5:22-23), our character never seems to advance to the degree we once hoped it would.

Strangely, the more like Jesus we become, the less like Jesus we tend to feel.”  - Scott Sauls

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Psalm 2

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