Monday, October 31, 2022

Habit Reboot 11/7

 Spilling my guts to God is a great way to put how I’d like to converse with Him on a consistent basis. I’ve been thinking about the Philippians 4:5 passage and the next few verses, saying God is near, so tell Him, rely on Him for everything. I probably listen to the news far too much and get freaked out about what could happen. But God knows all and His plan is unfolding before our eyes. he is the Creator and King, so I need to trust Him with every small thing and every major issue. Talking it out with Him relieves anxiety and brings joy. I hope you experience the same truth. 

The feeling of emptiness is usually a sign that we have put our trust in something that can’t sustain us. It reminds us that we were created to trust in our heavenly Father and nothing else. We were created to enjoy the many things God gives without making them the center of our lives. When we confuse the two, our lives feel out of kilter. To feel better, we try again and search for love apart from God, but when we finally realize that it is elusive, we forsake the quest and quietly despair. Keep probing. Life is ultimately about God.
Edward T. Welch, Depression

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