Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Christmas 12/11

 Walking alone in faith without much support from fellow believers can be difficult, causing us to doubt what we are doing.  But as the culture changes and church goers not always agreeing, following Christ can be a lonely journey at times.  His presence, the mystery of His urging in our heart, the command of Scripture, and our love for Him will accompany us during those times.  He knows us far better than we know ourselves.  He knows our weakness and fragility, but His strength will provide.

“Advent means we begin with the end in view; after all, 'the end is always where we start from' (Eliot). The long slow journey to Bethlehem reminds us of our own often painfully slow journey to where we too will see the arrival of the Lord. But we are Advent people - and rejoice!”  David Cassidy

“If it matters more what your faith looks like than what it is, it’s time to start all over again.” - Bob Goff

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