Monday, December 12, 2022

2023 Suggestions

 Brian Aspinall

1. If you’re anxious, it’s time to drop your shoulders, slow down, and dance like a crazed chimp on acid.

2. If you knew that the best lessons are found in failure, you’d be less concerned about making mistakes.

3. Stop worrying about being ‘unproductive.’ All you need to do is one thing at a time with enjoyment.

4. If you feel low, sometimes the best thing you can do is to quit being a whiny little bitch and take a small action.

5. Some of the best rewards in life come from doing things that make you feel nervous.

6. The most resilient people use life challenges as opportunities to remain calm so they can master their minds.

7. Even the most influential people are often scared and making shit up as they go along.

8. The most relaxed people are OK with uncertainty and unattached to outcomes.

9. All the solutions to your problems are within you. They appear when you allow your mind to be still for a moment.

10. At the start of each day, write down your top three priorities for that day, and you will never have a problem with aimlessness.

11. If you want to make more impact, find ways to do more with less.

12. Mental health issues diminish when you stop talking about mental health and start taking action towards massive success in your life.

13. Stop trying to achieve your goals, and become the kind of person who achieves them today.

14. Going on long walks will solve 79% of your problems.

15. Doing the same ‘boring’ thing consistently will do 100x more for you than an ‘exciting’ thing done once.

16. Incredible rewards are found when you do the things most people refuse to do.

17. If you feel others don’t give you enough respect, love and attention, give more away. 

Start by messaging just one person today without expecting anything in return.


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