Monday, December 26, 2022

Prevail 12/27

I THINK I’m getting better at not trying be a control freak, but God is forever showing me more issues to surrender to Him. I sometimes think I should have said more to make an issue turn out like I wanted, but in reality, I should have prayed more. Living with open hands, letting God control the outcome, gets complicated when I think the outcome is my responsibility. I wonder if trying to be in control is one of the biggest American idols we worship.

  1. “The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God” Lk.2:20. Jesus, restore our first-love for you—when we treasured and trusted you above everything and everyone. Whether we’re poor shepherds, ranch owners, or own 1/4 of Montana—only you are worthy. Only you are essential.” - Scotty Smith

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