Monday, February 27, 2023

All In 24

 What is all in fellowship in a modern American culture?  Is it possible to share all things in common and be a an effective witness to the non-believing world?  Is it possible to raise children in an ‘l in fellowship’ so that they will stick with their faith into adulthood?  I have a lot of questions at a time when everyone points fingers at everyone, blaming cultural problems without practicing the solutions presented throughout Scripture.I may be off track, but there are a variety of ways presented in the New and Old Testament. Daniel, Joseph, Nehemiah, Esther each lives a godly leadership role in a non-believing culture. The apostle Paul was a tent maker with a goal of not being a. burden on others as he traveled and disciples.  

Living an all in fellowship to me is being generous with time and resources but also being vulnerable, honest and open with a close knit group of like minded followers of Christ. No caste system, no cultural or racial boundaries, each producing their fair share to provide for family needs, inspiring others to be self sufficient contributors to being all in. It’s complicated but simple, different ways to do it, but the same goal of loving others and fulfilling the great commission. 

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Psalm 2

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