Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Hope 3/3

 I’m wondering if many American church goers consider their Hope in Christ more of a distant contract they have signed than a close personal relationship. Are we too go hum and glum about hope?  Or do we feel like shouting with joy regarding the hope that is within us?  If we are growing in our hope, we are able to withstand the disappointments, discouragements, and disillusionment of our culture. We are empowered with grace to withstand the long stretch of a crisis or predicament. The temptations to give is to whatever is undermining us can be overcome with our Hope in Christ. He is in us and we are in Him. 

Charles Spurgeon used to say, “Little faith will take your soul to heaven, but great faith will bring heaven to your soul.” It is not enough that we long for heaven during times of suffering, for anybody can do that. What Peter urged his readers to do was exercise love, faith, and rejoicing, so that they might experience some of the glory of heaven in the midst of suffering now.” - Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Hopeful

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