Sunday, February 12, 2023

Truth 2/16

Completing a devotional each day is one at to breathe fresh air and a resolve to depend on God’s word. In our divided and conflicted world, nothing else is a foundation for life like the truth of the Scriptures. Some are voicing opinions that the Bible is out of touch or full of myths. Trusting Scripture is not taking a blind leap into the dark. It is standing in the light light to take the next step, often not knowing where our Pat is going. Leaning in on God’s instruction is holding on to hope with a grip that He strengthens. If Jesus trusted Scripture, why wouldn’t we?

“What does it mean to walk by faith? It means to obey God's Word in spite of the feelings within us, the circumstances around us, and the consequences before us.” - Warren W. Wiersbe, On Earth as It Is in Heaven

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