Thursday, March 2, 2023

Hope 3/4

Following Christ often seems like a battle on several war fronts. As our culture distorts the meaning of the word truth and misrepresents factual information for personal gain, our trust in traditional ways of looking at life is questioned. My battle with negativity and cynicism can be intense at times, especially if I’m not listening to God’s word. I’m not sure if the war on our Hope ever weakens. Perhaps Satan intensified his attacks because he knows he is going to lose the war. Let’s guard our hearts.

“To me, the most startling thing Jesus ever said was when He assigned His followers the task of going out in pairs to share His good news with lost people. He said that He was sending them “as sheep among wolves.” Still, He expected them to prevail. In the history of the world, no sheep has ever won a fight with a wolf. The very idea is insane.” - Nik Ripken, The Insanity of God: A True Story of Faith Resurrected

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Psalm 7 -10

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