Sunday, April 23, 2023

21/63 - Caroline Leaf

 5 Step Cycle

1 Gather read watch listen what you are thinking and feeling and how thoughts and feelings are affecting actions

2 - reflect - ask answer and discuss what is going on with thoughts and feelings. Be objective with yiurself as if you are reflecting as an observer

3 - Write a journal, document reflections. Organize your thoughts and feelings but how you want to change. Not a complaint journal but a learning journal 

4 - Recheck, reanalyze, recalculate by talking it out with a supportive person

5 - Write down how you are taking action. Not just a me a gal agreement to what is going on bu how you are changing.

You are not a victim to life experiences. You are not a bystander but a participant who becomes a first responder. 

2 Cor 12:9. His grace is enough

Rom 12:2 transformed not conformed. Action toward Hope, faith and love. No longer a bystander.  

A new creature with new purpose and meaning. A new identity

Michael Sprague. Banged up people. Banged up leaders. Banged up families. Betrayal. Failure. Depression. Feeling Alone. Addictions. Tough Circumstances. Impossible Health Hurts. Broke. Wrong Choices. Self-destructiveness.  It’s easy to wonder if there’s any hope. Just like with the horse... more than a few reach for the shotgun.

When people are banged up it’s easy for some to just want to put banged up people down. Write them off. But just because someone is banged up doesn’t mean he or she isn’t worth anything! A horse may have to get out of the race for a time but it’s good for something. Ask Seabiscuit. You never know. 

The same is true with banged up people. They may drop out of the race for a time but their best days can be ahead. I see this all the time. It’s called REDEMPTION. It’s called GRACE. It’s called a SECOND CHANCE. 

I think this was the spirit of Jesus when he started his ministry with these words, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,

Because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor.

He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives,

And recovery of sight to the blind,

To set free those who are oppressed,

To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.”

Remember, Jesus isn’t the religious guy. He is the life-giving guy. Lean into Him.

AUTONOMY. a must for self management and self regulation. As our ability to manage our mind improves our autonomy improves. We have a choice to respond to life. I’ve got this. I can handle this. Recognize toxic thoughts - trauma, victimization, bad habits. Toxic stress and anxiety. Being aware of toxicity through journaling and talking it out will change your perspective, transforming you. Recognize your well being. Supportive relationships vs manipulating relationships. Patient health awareness. 

Recognize the communication between two halves of brain. Depression anxiety sadness grief va satisfaction, joy, calmness. Tsunami style, catstrophizing inflexible fixed approach, fearing the next crisis vs I will deal with it. Over thinking second guessing vs getting unstuck and taking a risk at problem solving   Black and white, perfection thinking vs progressive learning to problem solve

  WISDOM. THINKINGLearning to allow neuron-plasticity to grow the kind of thinking to help you be empowered

“Be strong and get to work. You will experience the Lord’s provision, presence, and empowering grace in ways you never otherwise would. Don’t fear what the rest of the world fears. Jump into the river of God. Your life will never be the same.” - Susie Larson

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