Sunday, April 30, 2023

Civility 05/04

 Witnessing civility in a discussion has been hard to find in some circles, especially around election time. Some news sources play up the uncivil discourse for monetary gain while we watch many take sides regarding who is on which side of an issue. It’s hard to know how to respond to a provoking comment by acquaintances and friends. During the pandemic, one individual, who I had see for a long time, immediately asked upon seeing him, “Where are you in taking vaccinations?”  Another became angry in a conversation when I suggested that we all be sensitive to those who have health concerns. He said, “I have my rights, too!!”  But regardless of the uncivil tones, following Jesus is to point others to His way of doing life. One principle I’m learning is whatever I’m reading or listening to is driving my fear and worry, it’s not of God. God leads us with love, faith and hope, not negativity. I’ve got a lot to learn as I seek His peace and calmness. 

There's a famous story of these two shoe salesmen who are sent to a foreign country to assess the market to see whether or not their shoes might be worth selling there. The first shoe salesman goes and spends a few days scouting the area. Then, he sends a message back home. He reports back, "Research complete. Unmitigated disaster. No one here wears shoes." This guy is thinking, "I have to get on the first plane back home."

The second salesman from the other company does the same thing. He scouts out the area for a few days and sends a message back home. He says, "Research complete. Glorious opportunity. No one here wears shoes." Instead of seeing an obstacle, this second person saw an opportunity. "No one was wearing shoes. We can give these people shoes."

“Even on especially hard days, I began to notice Him everywhere, setting a table before me in the presence of my enemies, pursuing me with his love. Both the child and the cynic walk through the valley of the shadow of death. The cynic focuses on the darkness; the child focuses on the Shepherd.” - Paul E. Miller, A Praying Life

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Psalm 2

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