Saturday, April 15, 2023

Every Promise - Scotty Smith


Every Promise from Our Father, not “3 Wishes from a Genie” 


God has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them we may participate in the divine nature (become like Jesus) and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires” (2 Peter 1:4).


Heavenly Father, this passage is awesome, because you are awesome and so very generous. Thank you for making promises you alone can keep—“great and precious promises.” You never over-promise and you never under-deliver. You do all things well and on time—even when it doesn’t seem that way to us.

In fact, this verse helps us understand the tension we often feel between “claiming your promises” and waiting for you to fulfill them. The good news is, we don’t really claim you promises, they claim us. You began a good work in us (and in all of creation) that you will finish. Hallelujah… you aren’t waiting (or needing) us to program you by claiming the right promises. You aren’t our “genie in a bottle,” you’re our Father on his throne. That is so freeing and encouraging.

Indeed, we aren’t limited to “3 wishes”—we are transformed by all your promises and your faithfulness. For, as Peter tells us, your primary promise to us is to make us like Jesus. Thank you, Father. That’s what it means for us to “participate in the divine nature”—to progressively become more Christlike. Oh, how we long for the Day when we will be completely like him (Rom. 8:28-301 John 3:1-3). Hasten that Day. Until then, thank you for being our “very great and precious promise-Keeper.” So Very Amen.

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