Saturday, April 15, 2023

Hope 4/19

Great questions: “Will you put your hope in Me, the source of all things no matter what you are facing? Or is your hope in the resource of a person or job?” I’m guilty of putting Hope in resources that are temporary. I’ve also built false hope in certain leaders who have sadly, even disgustingly, disappointed. I’m slowly learning to guard myself from these discouragements, and I’m trying to build a stronger foundation of hope in the King of kings, looking for His kingdom and His righteousness.

“I seek God daily because I need to. When I don’t meet God personally, thoughtfully, and humbly, I suffer the consequences. It’s analogous to forgetting to eat. I suffer because I am hungry, not because I feel guilty. “I’m hungry and I need to eat” is different from “I really should have eaten, and I failed again.” - David A. Powlison, How Does Sanctification Work?

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