Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Hope 4/20

This is a great reminder to me:  “Hope is not passive. “. Inner to exercise hope, step into it. I cannot wait for hope to just happen. Just like like lifting weights or running a mile, I need to start small and work up to the goal. I need to take action toward Hope each day by my mental mindset. ,talking issues out, praying, gratitude, music, reading verses aloud, and the list goes on of what I can do to build my rythym of hope. If our physical bodies are strengthened by weights and food, how much more will our hearts be strengthened by our almighty and everlasting God? 

“The Son of God came into the world to save sinners. You do not need to fear telling the truth about yourself. He already knows.” - David A. Powlison, Making All Things New

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