Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Civility 05/07

 It’s hard to swallow, but life seems to be bumpy at times, even treacherous. Storms and traumatic times are part of reality. A torpedo can come our way out of nowhere. But a greater reality is our Father’s presence. The Bible repeats 365 times to not be fearful, for He is with us. He calms the internal chaos and confusion, even though the external storm is slow to move on. 

O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you; I will praise your name, for you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure.  --Isaiah 25:1

”The Crucified is the One most traumatized. He has borne the World Trade Center. He has carried the Iraq war, the destruction in Syria, the Rwandan massacres, the AIDS crisis, the poverty of our inner cities, and the abused and trafficked children. He was wounded for the sins of those who perpetrated such horrors. He has carried the griefs and sorrows of the multitudes who have suffered the natural disasters of this world--the earthquakes, cyclones, and tsunamis. And he has borne our selfishness, our complacency, our love of success, and our pride. He has been in the darkness. He has known the loss of all things. He has been abandoned by his Father. He has been to hell. There is no part of any tragedy that he has not known or carried. He has done this so that none of us need face tragedy alone because he has been there before us and will go with u. and what he has done for us in Gethsemane and at Calvary he ask us to do as well. We are called to enter into relationships centered on suffering so that we might reveal in flesh and blood the nature of the Crucified One.” - Diane Langberg

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