Monday, May 29, 2023

Known 1

 We usually identify ourselves by the roles and responsibilities we fulfill each day. Our career, family, and volunteer activities help define our identity. Our growing up background has had a significant impact on what we think of ourselves. But following Christ changes everything about our identity. We are a work in progress as we allow the Potter to remake us as if we we were a clump of clay. One thing for sure, we have not arrived at our destination as we live in the here and now. Our experiences are remaking us to be someone much different than when we began following Christ. 

“The fire of God’s glorious presence that Moses saw in the burning bush and that will renew the world at the end of time has come into us, as signified by the tongues of flame over the head of every disciple on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:3). Every Christian is now a small burning bush, a new creation, being made into Christ’s image, as we behold his glory by faith.” - Timothy J. Keller, Hope in Times of Fear

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