Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Transformed 6

 An unforgiving attitude seems to have a habit of reappearing. Even though I say to myself I’ve let go of an offense, I repeat what happened over and over. When I get in those repetitive modes, I'm hurting no one but myself. The offender has no idea of damage control or what I’m thinking. By not letting an issue go, I’m drinking  a poison that destroys my gratitude and dependence on our Father. The trauma, abuse and mockery that Jesus endured leads the say for our respect and awe for the Savior we need.

“The most miserable prison in the world is the prison we make for ourselves when we refuse to show mercy. Our thoughts become shackled, our emotions are chained, the will is almost paralyzed. But when we show mercy, all of these bonds are broken, and we enter into a joyful liberty that frees us to share God's love with others.” -  Warren W. Wiersbe

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