Thursday, May 25, 2023

Transformed 8

Without question, you and will show the world the fruit of what we know or don’t know about the gospel. Is there enough evidence to convict us of being Christ followers? It’s a battle every single day whether I choose to join the crowd sourcing of anger, division, or self-righteousness… or if I will join in what the Spirit is accomplishing through joy, peace, kindness, and hope. Another temptation is to join the ranks of those who are apathetic, disinterested, and distracted. May you and I step up our passion to seek the kingdom and His righteousness.

“The fire of God’s glorious presence that Moses saw in the burning bush and that will renew the world at the end of time has come into us, as signified by the tongues of flame over the head of every disciple on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:3). Every Christian is now a small burning bush, a new creation, being made into Christ’s image, as we behold his glory by faith.” - Timothy J. Keller, Hope in Times of Fear

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