Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Legacy 11

Getting excited about what God is doing in missions has helped Sandy and me with giving. We could always do better but knowing that our financial support is doing what is promised is worthwhile. Investing in a race horse for the Lord is far better than whipping a mule to get up and go when the mule would rather think about it. Learning about global missions has spurred our support for a group ‘Activate Global’. It began as ‘Elevate’ located in Kearney but is now headquarters in Lincoln. The help I reached people groups start businesses among families who have come to Christ. Each business helps a family to be self supporting, yet it’s also the beginning of a house church. Activate Global began by working in India but now is in 15 countries, 9 of them ghe most dangerous places to be a Christian. It’s exciting to feel a small part of what God is doing. 

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Psalm 2

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