Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Stressed 4

 As I read this devotional, I thought of what it might have been like to be Moses, taking on the responsibility of a judge, listening to all the disputes and complaints. His father in law observed the stress and gave some great advice to choose others to bear the load. Maybe there are a lot of times we need help to handle the burdens we are carrying. There is no way any one person can have all the answers to complex issues in our home or at our jobs. I’m glad you are seeking counseling and are willing to talk things out with others. There is nothing wrong with saying and feeling I cannot handle this by myself. Saying ‘I don’t know the answers and I’m not the best at this, but I’m trying and learning.’  Being vulnerable and honest is letting your barriers down to be hurt, yet they are opportunities to love others unconditionally. 

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Psalm 2

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