Thursday, June 29, 2023

Your Value at the end


When you die, don't worry about your body... your relatives, they will do whatever is necessary according to their means.

They'll take your clothes off,

You will be washed up

They gonna dress ya up

They will kick you out of your house and take you to your new address.

Many will come to your funeral to say "goodbye". Some will cancel commitments and even skip work to attend your burial.

Your belongings, until you didn't like to lend, will either be sold, given away or burned.

Your keys

Your tools

Your books

Your cds

Your shoes

Your clothes...

And be sure that the

world will not stop to mourn for you.

The economy will continue.

At your job, you will be replaced. Someone with the same or better abilities, will assume your place.

Your assets will pass to your heirs....

And don't doubt that you will still be quoted, judged, questioned and criticized for the small and big things you did in life.

People who knew you just by your looks will say; Poor man! o He was having a great time!

Your sincere friends will cry for some hours or some days, but then they will return laughing.

"Friends" who used to drag you down, will forget about you quicker.

Your animals will get used to the new owner.

Your photos, for some time, will be hung on the wall or on some piece of furniture, but then they will be kept in the bottom of a drawer.

Someone else will sit on your couch and eat at your table.

The deep pain in your home will last for a week, two, one month, two, one year, two... Then you will be added to the memories and then, your story ended.

It's over with people, it's over here, it's done in this world.

But your story begins in your new reality... in your life after death.

Your life where you couldn't move with the things here because besides, when you left, they lost the value they had.









Bank Account











F A M I L Y ....

In your new life you will only need your spirit. And the value you have accumulated here, will be the only fortune you'll have there.

That fortune is the only one you'll take and accumulate while you're here. When you live a life of love toward others and in peace with others, you are loving your spiritual fortune.

So try to live fully and be happy while you're here because, as Francis of Assisi said; "From here you won't take what you have." You will only take what you gave"

Edwin Parion 📖

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