Monday, August 28, 2023

Trusting 1

 How do you handle waiting?  For me it depends on the issue but my patience can run thin. I may appear to be patient but my insides are turning. My anxiety runs high while waiting, thinking the worst has happened or ai happen. Memories of phone calls with bad news haven’t helped. But on the flip side, I’m confident God is working behind the scenes to put all things together for His agenda. The only logical solution is to follow God’s lead, pray, and wait for the next best decision with His prompting  

“I often pray, “Lord, I’m your servant. I’ll follow you even if it’s into apparent failure, because I have no rights to success as I define it, or as the church defines it, or as my culture defines it. I’m only interested in pleasing you and being successful as you define it.”

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Psalm 2

 Most everyone is worrying about the next election. To add to anxiety, the world is full of chaos that includes war and economic dependence ...