Sunday, August 20, 2023

Walking With Jesus


"Jesus, you are going to be very busy today...would it be ok if I journey with you today?"

For the past few years, before I get out of bed most mornings, I pray these words as a spiritual discipline of intent and devotion. It has been life changing. Why? Because for too many years my thought often was much more like this, "Lord, I've got a lot of plans for my day. Would you bless my plans...and by the way, please don't give me too many problems today!!!"

Lol... can you relate?

I'm slowly learning to discern where God is working and jump into the middle of what He is doing. His plans are sometimes uncomfortable, unpredictable and even messy but I'm learning His plans are always better than my plans. I'm betting the farm on God today... how about you?

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