Sunday, September 24, 2023

Daniel 6

What was the last dilemma or predicament you had, when you didn’t know how to respond?  It seems that these situations come in waves, demanding immediate responses or decisions that are far more complicated than they appear. Daniel has the courage to speak up, even though he needed time to pray. His response is a model of dependency on God. Daniel knew that God knew the answers, but he needed time to ask and wait. May you and I have this as a pattern for life, asking and waiting, making the next best decision. 

“To wait in silence before the Lord is not idleness or inactivity. It is calm worship and faith, resting in His greatness and submitted to His will. It is preparation for the time when God gives the orders to act.” - Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Worshipful (Psalms 1-89)

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