Sunday, October 22, 2023

Awaken 13

 Jessica Hotz, of Activate Global, recently said that God is preparing people to hear the gospel. He also needs people to be prepared to talk with these prepared hearts who are open to the gospel. What can we do to prepare ourselves to meet with anyone who God has prepared for the discussion?  Let’s immerse ourselves in the Scriptures and in prayer, asking God to lead us into those discussions. 

Ask God to help you see the world the way He sees it.” - Billy Graham

In reading today’s devotional, I think of The Bible Project and their mantra that “the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus.” Having one book doesn’t tell the story. We (I) so often quote a passage or verse but it’s the Bible as a whole, leading to our Savior, that makes all the difference. It’s a living, breathing work. And the Gospel of God’s redeeming love is the heart of it. I ran across this YouTube video a while back and it really resonated with me. 

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