Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Awaken 2

 I recently read that most humans have 40,000 negative thoughts each day, in proportion to the 67,000 total thoughts on average. I’m not sure how accurate the statement is, but I’ve seen these types of statistics several times. Without a focus and intentional way of following Christ each day, my thoughts can easily plunge into the vortex of negativity. Either our LORD is in charge or He is not. I must choose and renew each day to live in gratitude to Him, despite the seeming chaos in our world. 

“I often pray, “Lord, I’m your servant. I’ll follow you even if it’s into apparent failure, because I have no rights to success as I define it, or as the church defines it, or as my culture defines it. I’m only interested in pleasing you and being successful as you define it.” - Bill Hull, The Complete Book of Discipleship

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Bible 187

 Proverbs seems to say there are two kinds of people - those who seek God and those who couldn’t care less. Those who search for Him find wi...