Sunday, October 1, 2023

Bolder 3

 I wonder if we take our calling to follow Christ in a far too casual manner. We do not regularly hear the stories of Christ followers being persecuted, beaten and murdered for their commitment and faith. We live in a comfortable setting, allowing us to blend in to our American way of life. Stephen did not have the option. Full of the Holy Spirit, he talked boldly about history, truth, and the wrong thinking of the day. Surrendering our lives to Christ’s authority can be costly. The consequences may not go over well among those who might be threatened by the gospel’s radical message. 

“…Take every word as spoken to yourself, with this essential anchor in place: Seek to understand first how God’s words fell on the original hearers, and how they relate to Jesus’ person and work, and then bring them home to yourself.” - David Mathis, Habits of Grace

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