Sunday, October 1, 2023

Deepest place

 Secure attachment to a group or situation requires 4 s’s

To be seen

To be soothed

To be safe

To be secure

Imagine Jesus inviting you to His banquet   Imagine yourself in a community with the 4 s application  imagine Jesus inviting you to be with Him  

you are seen eye to eye with Him  there is nothing to hide because He knows everything about us

you are safe with Him, comforted and soothed in the deepest parts of your soul  you are secure from all harm  

P24. How does one plant crops or write novels, teach or compose music if you fundamentally perceive yourself to be in danger?  Our brain constantly scans the horizon for danger based memory records. These parts of the brain command our fight or flight system. 

Our bottom line is that we are at war with God, in flight or in a fight. The suffering we endure we think is God’s fault. He has inflicted it upon us. This perspective makes Hope impossible to imagine. 

P29 but Gos has initiated a relationship with us, making a way for an embodied connection to Him through His Spirit and His people. It is Jesus we become securely attached. 

P30 we don’t live in a neutral universe. We imagine, that once He has us, that’s that. We forget that evil has no intention of permitting us to follow Jesus undisturbed. And even though God is not at war with us, evil is. 

P34. Whether we know it or not, most of life is a war zone. This is especially true if you live in Ukraine or Northern Africa. Or if you live in a violent neighborhood, or you are a person of color, or if your family has been exposed to a school shooting, or suffered the serious trauma of physical, sexual or emotional abuse. 

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