Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Made 3

 Our culture and our up bringing leaves us with the idea that our worth and value are wrapped up in the status we achieve or the possessions we accumulate. The way to get ahead is through power and manipulation or any number of subtopics. But in reality, who we are in Christ rests in His love and our surrender to Him. If we immerse our mindset with the culture, we are in a fog, if not blind to the reality of His presence. But I as we focus on Him, our vision adjusts to the Light He provides for each step we take on our journey  

Our brains are described as anticipation machines. We fear being left alone to deal with disappointments and discouragements. Our culture works hard to train us that we do not have to suffer. There is little to no expectation that suffering actually has the power to form us into more resilient people. But God promises to NEVER leave us or forsake us, despite the mess we find ourselves in.” - Curt Thompson, The Deepest Place

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Psalm 2

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