Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Preparing the nursery

 Michael Sprague


One thing I love about being in Israel is to learn to see things more through a “Middle Eastern Lens” rather than through a “Western/Greco-Roman Lens”. Often, we are taught to read the Bible and ask, “What does it teach about me?” rather than, “What does it teach about God? Who is He? What does it mean to know Him and walk with Him?” May we read Scripture, not just to learn something but to encounter SOMEONE. 

I was reading Galatians 4:4a today and blown away by encountering the SOVEREIGNTY of God in the timing of the birth of Jesus: “But when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth His son.” God readied the nursery in Bethlehem for a baby to rescue people from their sins. The dots all connected with a convergence of circumstances that would rock the world and spread the Good News quickly. Five keys on how the world was prepared for the Invasion from Glory:

1. COMMON LANGUAGE- Koine, the common Greek Language permeated the empire so people, both great and common, could communicate easily.

2. ROADS- 55,000 miles of roads were paved to create pathways for commerce and communication, including the gospel.

3. PAX ROMANO- The Peace of Rome provided a time of relative quiet peace in human history.

4. SYNAGOGUES- The emergence of the synagogue system of local worship centers throughout the empire provided a built-in launch pad for Jesus, Paul, and others to announce the Good News.


5.  INTERNATIONAL HIGHWAY- The number one rule of real estate is Location, Location, Location. God positioned Israel as the Landbridge to three continents: Africa, Asia, and Europe. Commerce, trade, and travel in the ancient world went right through Israel and in particular the headquarters of Jesus in Capernaum. The nations could make money and hear about the Living God.

Only God! What timing. The stage was set. The fulness of time had come. The world would never be the same. Outwardly, it would have looked like the Roman Empire had the same problems and wickedness that characterizes our day but the Father was working. He is equally at work in our times and in your life and mine. How might He use the internet? Times of Turmoil? Your job? The ability to travel? International students coming to our campuses? May we lean into His Sovereignty. Wise men (and women) still seek Him.

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