Sunday, October 15, 2023

Think like a farmer

 Think like a FARMER... 🚜

Shouting at the crops rarely works, but caring for their nutrition and health does work.

Shouting at yourself during your struggles does not work, either. Growth and maturity take time. 

Never blame yourself or the crop for not growing fast enough. Waiting for the harvest takes time.

Don't uproot your progress prematurely; let your work flourish.  Let the growth happen.  We may not always see the lessons being learned.

Choose the best plants or the best seeds for the soil.  Prepare the soil for optimum growth.

Irrigate and fertilize.  The best crops take the most care.  Take care of yourself yet manage your responsibilities.  Irrigate your mind with a positive outlook and research in the best practices.  Build on the success of what works.  

Remove the weeds.  This takes constant vigilance and the latest research.  Be on guard for what could easily sap the strength and nutrition away from everything you are doing. Root out negativity and bitterness from your thinking.  Yesterday’s regrets can blossom into lessons learned. .  

Remember there will be good seasons and bad seasons.  You can only prepare ahead for the fortune or misfortune.  You cannot control what cannot be controlled.  You can prepare for yourself for the proper response.  Never gloat over the neighbor’s misfortune nor brag about your own.  Storms, hail and drought happen regardless of the soil, research, planning or preparation.  

Remember, your goal in farming is ultimately to provide for the needs of others. Your work outcome will outlast your efforts. 

Choose self-care practices that nurture your well-being. 🌼

Irrigate your #mind with #positivity and fertilize it with #selflove. πŸ’§πŸ’•

Remove the weeds of negativity from your thoughts. 🌾

Remember, life has its seasons; you can't control the weather, but you can be prepared. ☀️🌧️

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