Saturday, October 14, 2023

Well made quotes

 And a well-made disciple faces new challenges and situations with condence. He is skilled at connecting God’s truths to see the bigger picture. He extends discreet truths to new situations. When a well-made disciple faces the unknown, he knows that nothing is unknown to God. He understands the big picture of God’s desires, character, and values. A well-made disciple applies his understanding when he cannot nd a direct answer to a decision he faces.  Doug Burrier

The real question is, “Have we prepared people to live out Christianity, to follow, on their own?” This is the one thing that we are called to do. This is the one thing that Jesus modeled for us. He made prepared, con dent, and skilled followers whom he released into the world. Jesus took a sabbatical. He knew the plan would not be complete until he left. His followers needed to rely on the Spirit of God. The goal of discipleship is to make independent followers.

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Psalm 2

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