Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Advent 5

 If Jesus would have went through an employment agency to find the best disciples, how would the outcome have been different?  Luke and Matthew would not have fit the profile that we think He would have wanted. In the Chosen series, when Jesus said to Matthew “Follow me”, Matthew has the look of saying, “You have god to be kidding”, yet he was compelled to do just that. 

How many times do I have my preconceived ideas about people, thinking that they would never respond to the gospel. I tend to think that most Christ followers are just like me. But God is breaking down my prejudiced view. His grace is available to all.  God is bringing people to Himself from all walks of life, from all corners of the globe, with all sorts of problems.  Each Christ follower is a demonstration of a miracle in progress.   

“Grace is shockingly personal. As Henri Nouwen points out, 'God rejoices. Not because the problems of the world have been solved, not because all human pain and suffering have come to an end, nor because thousands of people have been converted and are now praising him for his goodness. No, God rejoices because one of his children who was lost has been found.” - Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?

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