Saturday, November 11, 2023

Made 13

 If you are like me, I wake up some mornings wondering why I’m so off course from the path of following Him. The day before can be rewarding but the next can be off on some rabbit trail. I can be grumpy and negative  on the off day but full of gratitude when I sense His presence and His pleasure. Developing a consistent rhythm requires prayer, being immersed in His word, His grace, and practicing His presence. Daily completing this devotional with a personal reflection helps a great deal. I’m praying that it does for you as well. 

We are meant to live with God on the throne, with a wide-open heart to him and others. But a contentious, judgmental person has shriveled up inside, shutting down to both God and neighbor. On the outside, a contentious person speaks rotten words that tear down rather than build up and condemn rather than give grace (Ephesians 4: 29). On the inside, a person swept up in sinful anger has become demonic and diabolical—in the truest sense—an image-bearer of the hostile critic of God’s people (James 3: 15; 4: 7).” - David A. Powlison, Good and Angry

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Uncertainty 9

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