Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Michael Horton

 The Holy Spirit is eternally at work within the Godhead, resting in the Father through the Son. In all of the external works of the Trinity—creation, providence, redemption, and the consummation—the Spirit makes the speech of the Father in the Son effective to complete the speaker’s intention. The Father’s speech never returns to him without effect because there is his Spirit who brings about within creation its “amen!” to whatever the Father has worded it to be in and for the Son.

We confess two chief points in the third article of the Nicene Creed: that the Holy Spirit is “Lord” and that he is the “giver of life.”1 By confessing his lordship, we proclaim that the Spirit is one with the Father and the Son both in essence and in operations. There are not three lords, but one; consequently, in everything accomplished by the triune God there is one divine work.

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