Friday, December 8, 2023

Advent 12

 Either God is sovereign over every single thing that is or He is not sovereign at all. There is no in between. But do I really believe this in my personal life?  Either He is orchestrating all  issues and events beyond what I understand for His purpose or He isn’t.  If He isn’t, life is certainly full of despair and discouragement. But since He is over all and in all issues, we have a hope that surpasses hope. Our Father has had a plan from the beginning of time and He is working in the here and now moments for His purpose. His love is a sure foundation to live in the here and now with a great hope for each tomorrow. 

“…the great author of history’s plot determined that the overarching theme of His story would not be judgment, but grace. And He knew that if the story were to be a grace story, the central character would have to be none other than His Son. Only the divine Son of God would be up to the task of living a perfectly righteous life in the middle of sin and suffering, dying an acceptable death that would satisfy His Father’s holy requirements, and rising out of the tomb of His death as the author of eternal life for all who place their trust in Him.” - Paul David Tripp, Come, Let Us Adore Him: A Daily Advent Devotional

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