Sunday, December 10, 2023

Advent 15

 God can be trusted to bring about what we do not understand. He orchestrated the physics of space and time to make the birth of Jesus happen. He chose the right time in history as planned from the beginning, selecting the most unlikely parents and geography. He moved the brought star into place at the right time, visible to the wise men, communicating a strong warning to them. Why did He do all this?  Because He loves us. Our Father is in control of what we are incapable of grasping but He gives us the choice to respond to Him. His love is gentle and humble, not doecing anyone to obey.

What a paradox that a babe in a manger should be called mighty! Yet even as a baby, Jesus Christ revealed power. His birth affected the heavens as that star appeared. The star affected the Magi, and they left their homes and made that long journey to Jerusalem. Their announcement shook King Herod and his court. Jesus’ birth brought angels from heaven and simple shepherds from their flocks on the hillside. Midnight became midday as the glory of the Lord appeared to men.”  - Warren Wiersbe

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