Monday, December 18, 2023

Bumper Sticker


The first Christmas story was nothing like a Hallmark Christmas Story. The real deal is about Jesus sneaking in the back door of a world in turmoil on a daring rescue mission. If you look close enough you cannot miss the shadow of the cross in the cradle.

1. Luke 2:7 “…and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in the manger.”

Swaddling clothes are rags. You will never find Neiman-Marcus selling swaddling clothes. The Jewish Mishnah says they used to wrap baby lambs in swaddling strips of linen after birth to protect from injury and keep them unblemished. Lambs in Bethlehem were usually part of the Temple flocks and destined to be Passover lambs used as sacrifice. They were slaughter sheep. When the shepherds arrived to celebrate the angel-announced child, their eyes would have bugged out immediately, catching the imagery of the Swaddling Clothes. The tiny lamb on Christmas night was destined for Golgotha’s altar. Are we preaching yet?

2. Matthew 2:11 “…Magi presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”

A Baby Shower. Gold was fitting for a King … right? It probably funded this poor family’s extended excursion to Egypt. Frankincense was used by the priests in the temple giving off a sweet aroma when crushed. Jesus is our High Priest. Myrrh was embalming fluid. Every person would say, “Hey, that’s for dead people.” Yup! I know this was not on Mary’s gift registry, but this baby was born to die.

3. Luke 2:34-35 Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother, “Behold, this Child is destined for the fall and the risings of many in Israel, and for a sign which will be spoken against (yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also).”

This is Jesus’ baby dedication at the Temple. The preacher basically says, “your son will be the most loved and hated” and added a big hint about the coming cross. Mary’s heart would break. Surely it was like she was stabbed in the heart when she stood at the foot of the cross and watched her son die.

Can you see the cross in the cradle…? I mean manger. Jesus came not to be commercialized but to die for your sins and mine.

Imagine you committed a crime. In fact, the penalty for your crime was death by the electric chair. While you were waiting to be executed, a person went to the warden and said, “Let me die in this guilty person’s place. Let me pay the penalty.” The warden never had a request like this but finally agreed. After the man gave his life for you, they came to your cell, swung the door wide open and said, “You are free to go, the price has been paid, a friend died in your place!” This is what Christmas made possible. A Savior came who was Christ the Lord. He did what we could never do for ourselves. He died in our place taking the penalty for our sins and offers forgiveness, life, and peace with God to all who repent and put faith in Him. Saving grace is available to you today.I’m 

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