Sunday, December 31, 2023

Through the Valley

 Louie Giglio

As David writes Psalm 23, he is facing life-threatening danger, but he is confident in his Shepherd. He describes it like this, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (v.4 ESV)

Do you know a valley like that?

Do you feel isolated and alone, as if no one understands the crushing load you are under, nor the enemy you fear?

Or is your valley less defined—a hard to describe cloud of doom that descends on your best thoughts, turning life into a shadowy mist of confusion?

If so, God is offering to walk with you through this valley. He does not lead you to the valley, but He promises to lead you THROUGH it. This current place of struggle will not be the end of you. Your hope is in Jesus.

This may sound simplistic or elementary. But, in a world that has quick-fixes at every turn, we have the God of Heaven standing in front of us, offering to be our shepherd in whatever valley we find ourselves in.

Jesus is offering to lead, provide, protect, and preserve you through the darkest valleys and most imposing nights. I invite you to call on Him right now, out loud. 

You may feel like God is a billion miles away. You may believe your voice won’t even get past the walls of the room you are in if you were to call on Him. But, the name of Jesus is power. Call on Him now. Tell Him you can’t see Him, but you have heard He is near. Ask Him to stop and consider the pit of depression you are in. Tell Him you want Him to lead you through the valley of anxiety. Be honest with Him and ask Him to shine light into your darkness.

You may not know how He’s going to do it, but in faith tell Him you know He can.

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