Friday, January 12, 2024

Hearing God in His Word


Have You Always Wanted To Learn How To Hear The Voice Of God. Well This Is A Sure Way To Learn To Recognize and Hear His Voice!

Now The Apostle Paul;

“So Faith Comes From Hearing And Hearing, By The Word Of God.” Rom 10:17

This Shows Us That God’s Written Word Produces The Ability “To Hear His Voice.” 

“The Word Of God Is Quick And Powerful And Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword, Piercing As Far As The Division Of Soul (*Our Thought Life) And Spirit (*Which Is Made In God’s Image And Likeness Because He Is A Spirit), Of Both Joints And Marrow And Able To Judge (*Discern) The Thoughts And Intentions Of The Heart.” Heb 4:12

The Word Of God Is Alive And Full Of Power! 

Now Referring To Jesus Christ;

“In The Beginning Was The Word, and The Word Was With God, And The Word WAS God.

He Was In The Beginning With God.” Jn 1:1,2

The Word Of God Is God’s Witness To Man That God Speaks Today And Every Day!

Once God Speaks It Is Forever Settled In Heaven;

“Forever, O Lord, Your Word Is Settled In Heaven.

Your Faithfulness Continues Throughout All Generations;

You Established The Earth And It Stands, 

They Stand This Day According To Your Ordinances,…” Ps 119:89-91

Here Is The Power Of God’s Spoken Word;

“By The Word Of The Lord The Heavens Were Made,

And By The Breath Of His Mouth All Their Host (*Sun, Moon, And Stars)…

Let All The Earth Fear (*Revere) The Lord;

Let All The Inhabitants Of The World Stand In Awe Of Him.

For He Spoke And It Was Done;

He Commanded And It Stood Fast.” Ps 33:6-9

So God’s Spoken Word Has The Power To Create And Sustain Anything He Creates!

This Inherent Power In The Spoken Word Of God Is Also Contained In God’s Written Word!

“My Son, Give Attention To My Words;

Incline Your Ear To My Sayings,

Do Not Let Them Depart From Your Sight;

Keep Them In The Midst Of Your Heart.

For They (*My Words) Are Life (*heb: Hay, Living Thing) To Those Who Find Them

And Health (*heb: Marpe, A Medicine) To All Your Body.” Prov 4:20-22

The Word Of God Is Living And Powerful And It Produces Life And Health.

IF GOD SPOKE IT, It Has The Power In Itself To Bring It To Pass! 

“No Word From God Is Void Of Power.”


Now The Prophet Isaiah;

“For As The Rain And Snow Come Down From Heaven,

And Do Not Return There Without Watering The Earth,

And Make It Bear And Sprout,

And Furnishing Seed To The Sower And Bread To The Eater;

So Will My Word Be Which Goes Forth From My Mouth;

It Will Not Return To Me Empty,

Without Accomplishing What I Desire And Without Succeeding In The Matter For Which I Sent it.” Is 55:10,11

Now Joshua The Man Of God;

“Now Behold, Today I Am Going The Way Of All The Earth, And You Know In All Your Hearts And In All Your Souls That Not One Word Of All The Good Words Which The Lord Your God Spoke Concerning You Has Failed;

All Have Been Fulfilled For You, Not One Of Them Has Failed.” Josh 23:14

The Written Word is God Speaking!

- Joe Franta

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