Thursday, January 11, 2024

Vala afahar

 The first 25 years you measure success with grades, only to realize that the real value is in learning to learn and critical thinking.

The second 25 years you measure success by how much money you made, only to realize that how you spend time, and with whom, is most important.

The third 25 years is measured by how many people you helped along the way. Did you leave everyone and everything better than when you found them? Do you have family and friends that love and care about you? 

The third chapter should be all about living a recommendable life.

Lucky people work hard, have high integrity, good manners, high rate of learning, show up on time, zero sense of entitlement, and are self-aware, pragmatic optimists, kind and generous.

To improve your writing, read more

To improve your thinking, write more

To improve storytelling, present more

To improve your energy, rest more

To improve your network, give more

To improve happiness, appreciate more

(bookstore in Sichuan Province, China)

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